Our First Newsletter and an Extended Generation Exile Video Interview

Oh, well hello! We can’t believe we’re sending out a newsletter to you all but, uh, we are!

So as you probably know, we announced our game as part of the 10th Annual PC Gaming Show during the it’s-no-longer-E3 week in June. (although if you’re somehow reading this and did not see our announcement trailer, it’s right here for your viewing enjoyment)

It was equal measures flattering and inspiring for us to announce what we’ve been working on alongside so many other incredible-looking games. However, the brief interview clip of us as actual human beings that was aired during the PC Gaming Show was just a small taste of the conversation we got to have with the folks from PC Gamer here in Vancouver, Canada. Now they’ve put up the entire smörgåsbord of the conversation for you to feast upon, so please go do so!

… it’s actually a very reasonable bord, the video is like 15 minutes long

We want to keep this first newsletter short and sweet, but we are not going to leave without saying thank you, thank you, thank you for reading this and all the positivity and support we’ve received for Generation Exile since we announced it. Some of us have been working on this game for a very long — some might even say irresponsible — amount of time and finally being able to talk about it even a little is surreal. We’re trying to make something a bit different on several fronts with Gen Exile and trying to introduce a couple new flavours to the city-builder recipe has not always been easy. It’s been really enlivening to hear your excitement, so truly, thank you.

But also, to be honest, talking about a game that isn’t available yet is something of an unusual exercise. We’ve had our heads down in the trough pretty thoroughly, so we’re not sure what you want to hear from us (beyond the obvious “When will the game be playable?” which we’ll answer as soon as we can). We’d love to know what you’re interested in, curious about or just what kind things you’d like to see in future newsletters.

You can let us know by replying to this message or hitting us up on any of the seemingly endless proliferation of online communication channels:

Twitter | Instagram | TikTok | YouTube | BlueSky

The only thing we’re going to ask from you as we go is if you haven’t already, please wishlist Generation Exile on Steam.

You might have heard that things are pretty rough out there for game developers, and especially so for smaller ones like us without deep venture-funded pockets or the backing of a megacorporation. Wishlisting the game signals to Steam that there is interest in it, which then means it gets shown to other potentially interested Steam users (e.g. someone who has a city-builder or two in their Steam library) and more than anything else, this will help us make Generation Exile into the game we want it to be. It seems like a small thing but to us, it’s truly huge.

From everyone at Sonderlust Studios, thank you so much for being here with us.